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Get this asset pack and 44 more for $34.99 USD
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100 original hand-crafted menu sound effects inspired by the classics of SNES and PSX RPGs! Perfect if you want to bring that 90s RPG aesthetic to your game! Contains specific sound effects for every menu interaction you will need, from pausing to confirming and even selling items!



The complete sfx pack includes sounds for:

10 Hover
10 Confirm
10 Decline
5 Denied
10 Dialogue
5 Pick Item
5 Use Item
5 Discard Item
10 Equip
8 Unequip
5 Buy/Sell
5 Save Game
6 Pause Game
6 Unpause Game


You can try it out with 10 FREE TO USE samples! Just download the demo down below! Includes:

1 Hover
1 Confirm
1 Decline
1 Denied
1 Use Item1 Equip
1 Unequip
1 Buy/Sell
1 Pause Game
1 Unpause Game


Get my entire SFX collection with a huge discount with this Complete SFX Bundle! The bundle includes the following collections:

  • Minifantasy (Heroes, Professions, Spells, Weapons, Creatures)
  • RPG Essentials (UI, Inventory, Jingles, Fanfares, Magic, Battle)
  • Originals (Ambiences, Portals, Runes, Commands)


Become a Patron

For only $3 a month, you can become a Patron and receive to the following benefits:

  • Patreon-exclusive expansions for the asset packs;
  • Patreon-exclusive discord channel open to discussion, suggestions and such;
  • Access to newly released asset packs (current month & previous month).

Higher patron tiers have voting power on future releases and may request personalized SFX packs!


- Both the demo and the complete pack are free to use in your projects;
- You may not sell it or distribute it for free, please redirect people to this page in case someone else shows interest in my work;
- Credits are not mandatory, but much appreciated!

If you like my work, please leave a rating and a comment!


50 Magic Attack SFX 90 Player Movement SFX 11 Retro Lightning Magic SFX


Get this asset pack and 44 more for $34.99 USD
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Buy Now$2.99 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

100 Retro RPG UI Sound effects 10 MB

Download demo

10 Free to use samples! 666 kB


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666 kB Demo)

Lmao not intentional šŸ¤£


hey i tried to buy your complete sfx bundle but it wont let me pay
"Stripe doesn't currently support application fees for platforms in US with connected accounts in BR."

i live in sweden..
its weird because i just paid for someone elses pack and it was fine.. like ten minutes ago

Hi, can you contact me via e-mail or discord? I can send you an alternative link that usually solves the problem by bypassing Itch's payment but still allow you to claim the content as well.


discord: paz4778

Hey leo, I sent you a friend request on discord, I have the same problem

Hi, thank you for contacting me! I've already sent you a message


Im having this issue too, wanting to get the big pack thats on sale right now. I sent a friend request on Discord if you still have alternate payments available

Hi, I answered you on discord, thanks for the contact


Hiļ¼Œjust to confirmļ¼Œare these SFX allowed for use in commercial projectsļ¼Ÿ

Hi, yes you can use them in your commercial projects, you just cannot resell the sounds themselves


I tried to purchase this pack via card and was given this error: [I haven't encountered this error on itchio before.]

"There was an error processing your payment:

    Stripe doesn't currently support application fees for platforms in US with connected accounts in BR."

I'm trying to make this payment from South Africa, if maybe that's the problem. I'm unable to make and pay via a Stripe account [if that is the issue] as Stripe is not available in South Africa.

Hi, this is strange. Any chances you can try purchasing via PayPal? I really don't know why some countries will suddenly show problems like this when others won't. Sometimes it feels very inconsistent.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the reply, I gave your suggestion a try and it worked! Glad there is a way that works and hope it's a workaround for any other countries that may have issues.


Hi, my message again, I tried to buy it again today but it still failed, I don't have a credit card, and what I want to buy is the RPG Essentials SFX collection, so I can't buy it through the other link you gave, I can only use paypal , I want to know if your Patreon members can download all the content of the RPG Essentials SFX collection, if so, I will try to pay by PayPal on Patreon, although I still have not solved the PayPal error "You have not linked a payment method to your PayPal account. Please link a card to continue.ā€, I have never encountered this problem when purchasing other peopleā€™s materials, I believe many people have encountered the same problem as me, I really hope you can check it out, I really love this collection of resources and really wish I could buy it. (The above is Google's machine translation, my English is very poor, hope I express clearly)

Hi I'm sorry to hear that, to be frank I haven't encountered this issue as well. Did you try purchasing the bundle via stripe?  But I think you might need a credit card for that as well. Patrons don't get access to the whole bundle unfortunately, though I usually make discounts for them. But then the issue will be the same since I'll be redirecting them to the same pages here. May I ask you from what country you are trying to make the purchase? (Don't need to answer if you don't feel comfortable doing so). What payment method do you usually use when purchasing assets online?

I'm from China, and I've bought a lot of assets from itch using PayPal, because itch doesn't support any payment method in my country, I don't quite understand, because so far only your resource packs I can't buy through PayPal. As for the credit card, I haven't applied for it yet. I suspect it may have something to do with your PayPal payment settings, if you can check it, please be sure to reply me, thank you.

Hi, when I try to pay with PayPal, it says "You have not linked a payment method to your PayPal account. Please link a card to continue.", but I have no problem buying other people's resources, why is that?

Hi, Where can I buy a commercial license for the song Kawaii Attack (Hailing from the Abyss)?

Sorry, this song was created for the game Hailing from the Abyss and unfortunately I can't sell you the license to use it.

Hello, Iā€™m doing commissions via fiverr, and i like the assets you have here. I do not understand what you mean that I cannot distribute for free, I am making a game for someone, the game itself however is free, but the commission is not. I will not give them full access to the pack, and I will only put the sounds into the game, he would also have to credit it. Am I allowed to use your assets? I hope to hear from you.

Hi, as long as you don't give them free access to the entire SFX pack, it should be fine.

Hello, the way it basically works is, I need to give a license to the customer, this license contains details about how they are able to use the source code, Also, copyrighted material, such as shutterstock media, copyrighted assets, all of which will not be included in the source files - However, they will be included in the projectā€™s files, which is something you canā€™t easily access without a copy of the game engine. These are also not typically in the original format that the original asset was in, for example, it may be resized, compressed, or even modified. We would only ever give them access to the compressed, modified content, and not the original content that I obtain from say,


I am also getting a Stripe error when trying to pay with my card.

Hi, I made a page you should be able to purchase this asset pack without using Itch as the middleman. Please let me know if it works and if not, we'll figure it out!

Can you make one for the RPG Essentials SFX pack? That one isn't working either.


Is there another place to buy? It's giving me a Stripe error about your currency or something

Hi, I made a page you should be able to purchase this asset pack without using Itch as the middleman. Please let me know if it works and if not, we'll figure it out!


Nice SFX! Thank you for the creation and sale of these sounds! :)

I'm glad to know they are helping you! Good luck in your projects!


Hey! Are these compatible with GB Studio? Cheers from Chile! Keep the good work.

Hi, I don't have any experience with GB Studio, but I just read that it might not support WAV files. Do you know which audio formats this engine reads? I can try to convert them to compatible formats if needed. Thank you for the message!

GB Studio-3.0.3. is capable of running either .mod's and .uge's.

Unfortunately I don't think it's compatible. I don't think it's possible to convert from .wav to .mod or .uge either. I'm sorry about that.


No worries. Whenever I move to Unity I'll know you have this fine tunes! 


I'm commenting to confirm the download works for me.
Anyway, this a lovely set of UI SFX!
Details like this really help shape the feeling of a game. d(^^)


Thank you! If you have any problems, please let me know!

Good luck in your projects


Hello, Iā€™ve tried to purchase your asset through Paypal but it showed up error on Iā€™ll wait until the problem is resolved so no worries. Just want to let you know that this asset is really wonderful and thank you for making this amazing pieces for us :)

Hi, thank you so much, this means a lot to me! I think I just accepted your payment, check if you can download it now. If not, please let me know and do not pay twice. Good luck in your projects!


Hi, I've tried to purchase your pack and the PayPal payment went through twice but it showed up as an error on

Hi, I'll try returning one of the purchases to you, tell me if it works.

Also, did you manage to download the file? If not, send me a message